She’s a Shooting Star

Meet freshman athlete Sah’cari David.

Most freshmen are shy when surrounded by upperclassmen on a varsity team, but that doens’t come as a  challenge for Sah’Cari Davis. Most of her stats are already higher than the national average, (2.0 steals per game and 1.4 assists per game) and that’s just for playing a few months since the start of the school year.

Davis’ motivation stems from her background in basketball. She was first introduced to the sport when she saw it on television and decided to give it a shot. Since then, she has redefined what basketball means to her.

“It means life. Everyone has something that [is meaningful],” Davis said. “That’s what my whole [life] is surrounded by.”

Here at Garfield, Davis herself feels that the intense environment matches her drive, and  further helps her reach her full potential.

“Since you’re the youngest on the team you’re expected to do more than the others, so they’re putting you out there instead of themselves. They’re pushing you rather than just going for themselves,” Davis reflected.

The support her teammates have provided Davis with have enabled her to display confidence and determination. Jayla Howard, sophomore team captain, admires these attributes.

“Even though she makes mistakes,  she keeps trying. Especially when they’re on varsity, a lot of freshmen are scared of the players, the coaches, or even making mistakes, but she pulls herself together and focuses,” Howard asserted.

Sophomore Emily Martin agrees, commending Davis for her strong will.

“What I like about her is [that] she doesn’t let other people push her around, and she doesn’t crumble under influence or pressure. She is Cari, and does Cari. If someone says something to her and she disagrees, she’s going to stick with her [own] belief,” Martin said.

Along with the determination she displays on the court, Davis also has a different side to her, one that is full of witty humor.

“She’s very goofy, but not in a bad way.  We all say jokes to her, but she doesn’t take them personally because she’ll start laughing,” Howard said.

Her positive energy translates well both on and off the court.

“You can tell she genuinely cares about
people. On the court, she’s like a mini-leader,” Martin later added.

For her future, Davis says she’ll just see where

the journey takes her. It all depends on how the next three years go, which will help her decide whether or not she wishes to pursue a professional basketball career.

“I see her being a star. She has great potential,” Martin said.

In the meantime, Howard looks forward to what Davis will be capable of accomplishing as a bulldog.

“She’ll improve a lot in the next couple of years. She’s going to be a big part of the team for Garfield.”