Clubs in the Time of Corona

School clubs are facing the challenge of membership and attendance as a result of online school.

Art by Kien-Binh Vo

Everyone feels uneasy about starting the school year remotely, especially new students and freshmen who haven’t had the chance to connect with their peers yet. But Garfield’s diverse array of clubs is one of the factors that make our community so interesting and lively – particularly during lunchtime. 

One of the newer clubs, Fashion Club, has gained quite a bit of traction since its start last school year. As the name suggests, Fashion Club covers all topics within the fashion industry including personal style and award show looks.

 The overarching goal of the club is for “students to be able to express themselves and explore their own style, and learn about each others’ styles,” said the club’s co-founders Kaelin Silas and Jagger Aldrich. Meeting weekly on Tuesdays via Zoom, Fashion Club reviews and celebrates  iconic moments in the fashion world and holds  discussions surrounding the economic and environmental impacts of the fashion industry.

Garfield’s Green Team has been a consistent force in the effort to make our school greener, from lunch composting leaders to endeavors towards an eco-friendly paper towel disposal. Co-president Izzy Wang sums up Green Team’s objective for this year as accessibility and intersectionality, centering their content around BIPOC environmentalists. 

Our primary goal is for members to feel knowledgeable about the environmental issues they’re interested in and empowered to make change in their communities,” said compost manager Alyssa Tou. Green Team is a place for aspiring environmentalists who want to help the environment one step at a time. 

The greenhouse is home to another nature-centric club at Garfield – Gardening Club. Co-president Aine Stretch describes Gardening Club as a place where students can share their love for plant care, nature, and seemingly everything that photosynthesizes. 

“[When] our club was in person, we’d be taking care of the Garfield greenhouse and garden, which mainly involves watering succulents and other plants, rehabilitating and providing intensive care for teachers’ neglected and needy plants,” said Stretch. Online, the club plans to host virtual at-home plant care tutorials and presentations, with the goal of creating a friendly community of plant lovers.

Garfield’s Gender and Sexuality Alliance has been going strong for years, and not just because they always have bagels at meetings. GSA is a place for LGBTQ+ students and allies to learn about history within the community and maintain a welcoming space to all. 

“We hope that people will learn more about LGBTQ+ issues and find a supportive community,” said club president Joni Leahy, “It’s an easy way to meet friends and have fun.” To continue with these efforts online, GSA is holding Zoom meetings to discuss current and historical events, and will post further information on their Instagram.

  Online schooling has made clubs one of the best ways to stay in touch with and meet new friends with common interests. For a master list of Garfield’s clubs go to @ghsarrow on Instagram, and tune in during advisory to hear about more opportunities.

Contact Info: 

Fashion Club – (Instagram)

Green Team – @garfieldgreenteam (Instagram)

Gardening Club – @ghs_succs (Instagram) or email [email protected]

GSA – @garfield.gsa (Instagram)